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Same-Day Crowns Demystified: Answering 4 Common Questions

April 29, 2024

Patient smiling after getting same-day crowns

Same-day crowns, also known as chairside or CEREC crowns, are truly revolutionary! Each one is custom-fabricated for a specific patient from ceramic material using a special machine. This offers a quick and convenient solution for damaged or decayed teeth! However, many patients have questions about these dental marvels because they’re not offered at most dental offices.

Read on to find the answers to four of the most common and burning questions patients have about same-day crowns.

1. What are Same-Day Crowns?

Same-day crowns are custom-made dental crowns fabricated in a single visit using advanced computer-aided design and manufacturing technology. Traditional crowns often require multiple appointments and temporary restorations to be placed. However, same-day crowns are designed, milled, and placed in just a couple of hours, offering patients immediate results.

2. How are Same-Day Crowns Made?

The process begins with your dentist preparing the tooth by removing any decay or damage and shaping it to accommodate the crown. Next, a 3D scanner makes digital impressions of your teeth. Your dentist then sends the design to a computer where it builds a model, ensuring a precise look and fit.

The model is then sent to a Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramic (CEREC) machine which makes the crown from a block of ceramic. Once the process is complete, your new crown is bonded to the previously shaped tooth. Voilà! A new, permanent dental restoration is complete!

3. What are the Benefits of CEREC Crowns?

Same-day crowns offer many benefits for patients, including:

  • Convenience: With CEREC crowns, there’s no need for multiple appointments or temporary restorations, saving you time and hassle.
  • Precision Fit: Computer-aided technology ensures highly accurate crown fabrication, ensuring a snug fit and excellent functionality!
  • Aesthetics: Same-day crowns are crafted from high-quality ceramic materials that mimic the natural appearance of teeth, providing beautiful and lifelike results.
  • Less Opportunity for Damage: With a traditional dental crown, you’ll need to wear a temporary restoration while your permanent one is being made. Because of this, there’s a risk that your tooth could be damaged if the weaker temporary is broken. With CEREC crowns, you leave with the real thing, reducing this risk to near zero.

4. How Long do CEREC Crowns Last?

CEREC restorations, much like traditional dental crowns, are resistant to wear and staining and can last over a decade. However, they are also just as vulnerable to poor dental hygiene and oral habits. Brushing, flossing, and refraining from chewing on ice, fingernails, and pens will help your same-day crowns stay sturdy and beautiful.

As you can see, chairside crowns are a convenient, efficient, and effective solution for restoring damaged or decayed teeth. By learning the answers to these common questions, you should be more confident about same-day crowns and their many benefits. If you still have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist! They’ll be able to tell you everything you want to know about these innovative dental wonders!

About the Practice

Dr. Kallen Wheeler and Dr. Faby Vega are dental experts who enjoy getting to know their patients and helping them achieve brighter smiles. They use state-of-the-art dental technology and techniques to improve oral health and create personalized treatment plans for a variety of needs. Call (623) 925-8208 to schedule a consultation at Goodyear Family Dentistry or visit the website to discover other services and treatments.