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Why the Dentist Shouldn’t Scare You this Halloween

October 29, 2022

Smiling pumpkin with braces.

Around Halloween, everyone becomes a little more conscious of their oral health. If you’re chewing your way through a piece of caramel candy so packed with sugar it makes your teeth ache, it’s very reasonable to think: “Man, I haven’t been to the dentist in a while.”

People avoid the dentist for plenty of reasons, and the most common is dental fear. It’s understandable to be nervous, but you really shouldn’t let that stop you from getting preventive oral care. Your teeth are important, and you’ll do yourself a favor by taking care of them. Here’s why you shouldn’t let dental anxiety stop you from getting a routine check-up, and a few tips to make going to the dentist a bit easier.

What Can Your Dentist Do for You?

It’s much easier to stop a problem from happening than to fix it once it’s started, so getting in the habit of routine checkups will do a lot for you. Additionally, insurance companies will usually cover 100% of preventive visits, but a much lower proportion of restorative procedures.

If you still aren’t convinced, here are a few things your dentist can do for you at your regular checkup:

  • Disease Screening: There are over 120 diseases that can be found during a regular checkup. Oral cancer is one of the most serious, and your dentist will screen for it at every appointment. Early detection can make a massive difference in the potential severity of these diseases.
  • Deep Cleaning: Brushing and flossing are necessary for your teeth, but some places can’t be reached by those methods alone. Plaque buildup in these areas of your mouth will contribute to gum disease, so regular professional cleanings are deeply important.
  • X-ray exams: There are problems that won’t be obvious unless you look beneath the surface. X-ray scans allow your dentist to examine the interior of teeth and your jawline for decay.

Still Scared? Ask About Sedation Dentistry!

You should make it a priority to get routine checkups, but for some people that’s easier said than done. If you’re nervous about a visit to the dentist, sedation dentistry has plenty of options that can put you at ease. This might be anesthetics, laughing gas, or even just a pill you take orally before you arrive at your appointment. These medications are safe and effective, so you shouldn’t be shy about asking for them. Communicate your worries to your dentist, and they’ll be able to offer sedatives that’ll make you feel great about a routine checkup.

Finally, you should tell your dentist and hygienist that you’re a little anxious. You might be scared to visit their office, but they aren’t monsters; they’re professionals who want to help you with your teeth. Besides, you aren’t the first patient they’ve seen who’s been on edge. Let them know how you feel, and a good dentist will be able to put you at ease.

About the Author

Dr. Kallen Wheeler has dedicated his life to ensuring that every patient he meets leaves with the best smile possible. He obtained his Doctor of Dental Medicine from the University of Louisville, and since then has been in the business of keeping peoples’ teeth in top shape. If you have any questions about the importance of preventive care, he can be reached at his website or by phone at (623) 925-8208.