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Goodyear Family Dentistry Blog

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Skip Your Root Canal

August 14, 2022

Dentist telling a patient she needs a root canal

While no one wants to hear that they need to have a root canal performed, the reality is dentists do not recommend this treatment lightly. If you’re told you need this procedure to address your tooth pain, you may feel inclined to say, “no thanks” and assume your tooth will get better on its own. However, there are many reasons why going through with your root canal is essential, both in the short- and long-term. Read on to learn why from a dentist that performs them regularly.


4 Reasons to See Your Dentist Before Summer Vacation

April 19, 2022

person on summer vacation smiling on a beach

Every summer, people all flock to beaches, mountains, amusement parks, and other vacation destinations for a change of scenery and to take a break from their day-to-day. Though going on summer vacation is a fun and memorable way to spend the season, it’s important to make sure your oral health is in order before you head out. Read on to learn four reasons why seeing your dentist before you go on vacation is the right move for your smile.


It’s Time to Give Your Smile a Spring Cleaning!

March 26, 2022

Toothbrush in holder

Winter has now come to an end, meaning that we’re just getting started with some more pleasant weather. This is also the time of year that we clear out all that clutter that accumulated over the chillier months. But have you thought about how you’ll be incorporating your teeth into spring cleaning? Continue reading to learn some tips to help you freshen up your smile as you’re tidying up this spring.


5 Ways to Prevent Cavities with a Sweet Tooth

February 9, 2022

person eating ice cream and other sweets

Are you a fan of cookies, cake, and candy? As tasty as these things may be, they can do a lot of damage to your smile. When you eat foods and drink beverages that contain sugar, harmful oral bacteria feeds on it and releases acids that attack your enamel. This raises your chances of developing tooth decay. Cutting back on sugar is a great way to lower your chances of cavities, but it can be easier said than done. So that you can keep your smile healthy and strong, here are five tips that will help people with a sweet tooth prevent cavities.
