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4 Major Risks of Using Store-Bought Teeth Whiteners

November 23, 2023

A woman using a teeth whitening strip

All in all, over-the-counter teeth whitening can sound like a good deal. It promises a brighter smile without the hassle of a dental visit. (To that extent, you’d save time and money.) In reality, though, this option has some notable downsides. It often has adverse effects that professional whitening doesn’t. As such, trying it really isn’t worth the effort. If you want the details, your Goodyear dentist will happily explain. Here’s a primer on four major risks of store-bought teeth whiteners.

Low-Quality Results

True enough, some store-bought whiteners can brighten your grin. However, these products typically produce no notable effects.

For example, consider over-the-counter whitening kits. The gel they provide is pretty heavily diluted. As a result, a kit may not cause noticeable changes until you’ve used it multiple times. Plus, the effect will likely be smaller than what you expect or want. That means you probably won’t enjoy the treatment’s results for your teeth.

Peroxide Allergies

If you’re unlucky, a store-bought whitener may cause an allergic reaction. You’d then have to endure a range of nasty oral symptoms.

You see, most at-home whitening kits include peroxide. The latter can aggravate a given patient’s allergies. Should that happen, you might experience swollen lips, burning gums, and oral irritation for days. Therefore, those with allergies should consult a health professional before a whitening session.

Tooth Sensitivity or Damage

Depending on the kind you get, a store-bought whitener could damage your teeth. It’d then leave you vulnerable to some dental issues.

Truthfully, many whiteners sold by stores are abrasive. Things like baking soda and charcoal powder wear down your enamel. In doing so, they expose your dentin and raise your risk of a tooth infection. In rare cases, even a safer whitening product could erode your grin.

Treatment-Related Accidents

Dentists can’t supervise the use of store-bought whiteners. So, the latter products can lead to treatment-related accidents.

Remember, a dentist examines your mouth before doing a whitening treatment. They need to see if you have gum disease, which should be treated first. With a store-bought whitener, though, you may not know you have such a problem. You might apply the whitening agents when your gums are unhealthy. In that case, you’d probably face red, swollen, and sore gum tissue.

Ultimately, there are many risks of store-bought teeth whiteners. You’re thus better off seeing your dentist for a teeth whitening procedure.

About the Practice

Goodyear Family Dentistry is based in Goodyear, AZ. Led by Dr. Kallen Wheeler, our practice strives to give each patient the smile they deserve. We thus offer preventive, cosmetic, and restorative services, as well as emergency dental care. Naturally, our offerings also include top-quality teeth whitening that helps your smile shine! For more details or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (623)-925-8208.