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It’s Time to Give Your Smile a Spring Cleaning!

March 26, 2022

Toothbrush in holder

Winter has now come to an end, meaning that we’re just getting started with some more pleasant weather. This is also the time of year that we clear out all that clutter that accumulated over the chillier months. But have you thought about how you’ll be incorporating your teeth into spring cleaning? Continue reading to learn some tips to help you freshen up your smile as you’re tidying up this spring.

Replace Your Toothbrush

If it’s been more than a few months since you got your current toothbrush, it’s the time that you should be switching it out for a brand new one. If you’re using an electric toothbrush, 12 weeks should be the cutoff date for when you replace the head of the toothbrush. The bristles become worn and frayed over time and therefore don’t do a great job cleaning your teeth. More food debris and plaque get left behind.

Check Your Mouthwash’s Expiration Date

You are always checking the expiration date for your milk, eggs, and mayonnaise, but you probably don’t think to check the date of your mouthwash. When you use mouthwash, you should ensure that it hasn’t been collecting dust for too long. If yours has expired, toss it out and purchase a new bottle.

Clean Your Retainer, Clear Aligners, and Nightguard

If you have a retainer, clear aligners, or a nightguard that you wear, you probably already take time to clean them when you remove them, but you should also give them a deep cleaning now and again. This is also a great time for you to soak your cases and give them a good scrub to keep them fresh. Say goodbye to all of that debris and bacteria.

Clean Your Dentures

Dentures are a lifechanging tooth replacement option for people who are missing most of or all or their teeth. If you wear dentures, you are familiar with the cleaning process that you must go through on a regular basis. However, you should also take them to a dentist for a professional cleaning every so often. This way, your dentist will be able to check them for wearing and damage as well. If you are struggling with your dentures, now is a great time to deal with this issue.

Have Your Teeth Cleaned

You should be seeing your dentist every six months for a professional cleaning and checkup. During this time, your hygienist removes plaque and tartar from hard-to-reach places, and your dentist makes sure that you don’t have any existing oral health issues. When you have your teeth cleaned regularly, you can prevent dental problems later on.

Just like your home, spring cleaning is an excellent time to freshen up your smile. By implementing the steps listed above, your smile will thank you!

About the Author

After completing his undergraduate degree from Brigham Young University – Idaho, Dr. Kallen Wheeler earned his Doctor of Dental Medicine degree from the University of Louisville. He regularly pursues continuing education so he can stay up-to-date on the latest developments in oral healthcare. To learn more ways to keep your smile healthy or to schedule an appointment at his office in Goodyear, visit his website or call (623) 925-8208.