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3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Skip Your Root Canal

August 14, 2022

Dentist telling a patient she needs a root canal

While no one wants to hear that they need to have a root canal performed, the reality is dentists do not recommend this treatment lightly. If you’re told you need this procedure to address your tooth pain, you may feel inclined to say, “no thanks” and assume your tooth will get better on its own. However, there are many reasons why going through with your root canal is essential, both in the short- and long-term. Read on to learn why from a dentist that performs them regularly.

Your Condition Only Worsens from Here

If you’ve ever had an infection before, your doctor likely wrote you a prescription for an antibiotic. This is because in the overwhelming majority of cases, infections need some sort of medical intervention to properly treat. The same logic can be applied to damaged teeth (as well as infections inside the mouth).

The reality is teeth and the sensitive areas inside them (i.e. the pulp) cannot heal themselves. What’s unique about dental infections is that antibiotics are not a proper replacement for root canal therapy. The longer you go without getting the treatment you need to treat your tooth pain and dental infection, the worse your tooth will feel.

Additionally, infections can spread rapidly to neighboring teeth without professional treatment, so root canal therapy is the best way to protect both your smile and overall well-being if you have one.

It’s The Best Way to Save Your Tooth

Many people say they would rather have their tooth extracted completely over receiving a root canal, but it’s important to consider the implications of this decision beforehand. For starters, root canals are designed to save your natural tooth, which is always the preferred outcome if the option is available. While dental implants are very effective tooth replacements, nothing is better than the real thing.

Not only that, but having a root canal procedure and a dental crown attached to restore the tooth will be much cheaper than having the tooth removed and a dental implant placed. If you want to save money in the long-term, root canal therapy is the best solution.

Root Canal Therapy is Easier Than Ever

If you have a fear of treatment or believe the process will be very painful, keep in mind that advancements in dentistry have made the procedure feel more akin to receiving a dental filling. This is thanks to the local anesthetic that’s administered prior to treatment, ensuring you feel virtually no discomfort from start-to-finish. Most patients note afterwards the treatment was not nearly as difficult or uncomfortable as they thought it would be.

Sometimes having a conversation with a dentist about root canal therapy can make all the difference. Not only can they help you remain calm ahead of treatment, but they can inform you on exactly what to expect.

About the Author

Dr. Kallen Wheeler strives to make every root canal procedure he performs as pain-free as possible for his patients. Not only is he extremely thorough, but his dental fees are transparent, so you’re never caught off guard by surprise costs. He also offers sedation dentistry for those in need of extra comfort before their treatment. To schedule an appointment, you can contact him through his website.