Wisdom Tooth Extractions Goodyear

Removing Painful Third Molars

Wisdom teeth got their name because they grow in during the key transitional years of life, between the ages of 16 and 25. While not everybody has wisdom teeth, most people have between one and four, and they oftentimes need to be removed due to there not being enough room in the mouth to allow them to grow in. In these cases, our team offers pain-free wisdom tooth extraction in Goodyear to prevent future dental health issues from arising as a result of rogue wisdom teeth!


Why Choose Goodyear Family Dentistry for Wisdom Tooth Extractions?

  • Multiple Methods of Dental Sedation
  • We Accept Dental Insurance
  • Qualified, Knowledgeable Dentists

The Wisdom Tooth Process

If wisdom teeth have erupted, the process of taking them out is similar to extracting any other tooth. Our team will slowly elevate the teeth from their sockets and gently wiggle them free of the gumline to remove them. If they’re impacted below the gumline, surgical intervention may be necessary to fully extract them. Afterward, give yourself at least a couple of days to recover from the procedure and allow the effects of the sedation to wear off. Our team will provide you with more detailed post-operative care instructions at your consultation.